Western Canada – Oil & Gas Vol. 1

Western Canada – Oil & Gas Vol. 1 View the Alberta, Energy – 2013 publication

Praise for milestone GRP's Alberta, Energy – 2013 publication

Paul Paynter, Business Development Director - Energy at Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) and former Business Development Manager – Energy at Calgary Economic Development “milestone GRP produced an excellent-quality and well-targeted investment guide on Alberta’s Energy Sector which I was involved with while at Calgary Economic Development. The range of interview participants was very impressive. The guide is a welcome and significant reference point for those seeking to invest into Alberta’s key industry, and a very useful tool for those looking to promote the province and its energy sector to external stakeholders and decision-makers. The dedication and professionalism of milestone’s staff through the process of putting this together was clear and impressive.”
Bruce Edgelow, VP Energy at ATB Financial “Outstanding work, first class report. Well-covered, especially for a first publication.”
Rob Fernandez, Executive Director at Alberta Economic Development Authority (AEDA) "Overall, this is a great report, comprehensive and well put together. We keep using it with interested investors and stakeholders, for example recently with a New Brunswick delegation interested in Alberta's pipeline industry."
Mark Salkeld, President and CEO at Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) “Great report. Well-received by everyone and used by our team.”
Vikash Magdani, Chief Investment Officer at The Oil Council “Very indepth book. Most people at our Calgary Members’ Social took it.”
Barb Sheperd, CMO at Bennett Jones "Very good looking book. We will have our lawyers use it for business development."

Our Local Partners

In the last decade or so, Western Canada has emerged as the engine of Canada’s growth, largely driven by developments and investment in the ‘oil patch’. But as an inherently cyclical industry, the global oil & gas industry is experiencing another downturn since the fall of 2014 and Western Canada’s high-cost projects have taken a major hit.

As the four provinces that are home to the majority of the 1,400,000km2 Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have shared distinct socio-economic similarities in recent years: strong GDP growth rates, near full employment figures and strong net immigration, both international and interprovincial.

Thanks to the advent of horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing, development has largely focused on unconventional resources, especially Alberta’s oil sands and the region’s vast shale gas reserves. However, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are now also allowing exploration companies to search for remaining undiscovered oil pools and to redevelop existing pools across the entire region.

But beyond its vulnerability to global commodity markets, there are major challenges facing the industry at home today such as access to market, socio-environmental responsibility and energy literacy. However, the region’s renowned resiliency and drive for innovation present attractive opportunities for the astute investor with a comprehensive understanding of industry dynamics and a long-term perspective.

With its upcoming Global Investor’s Guide – Western Canada Oil & Gas Vol. 1 – milestone GRP will explore the region’s unique role in the North American and global energy markets, its competitive advantages and challenges, new trends in investment, the development of the industry supply chain and recent technological innovations. While presenting numerous opportunities for direct investment in the industry’s wealth of private & publicly-listed companies, our aim is to send a strong message of resilience and answer the question ‚What’s next for Western Canada’s oil & gas industry given the current context’?

Key Issues Addressed

Sectors in Focus